Friday, February 25, 2011

Stripes For Your Ties

After solid color ties, the next most popular and fashionable option is the striped tie. If picked correctly, they can complement solid colored shirts very well, while giving a sophisticated look. However, men often find it confusing and tricky when coordinating or matching striped ties. Let me try to give a few pointers on how to match striped ties for that sophisticated, classy look.

Matching Striped Ties
Often men find the colors of the stripes difficult to match. The best bet for that sophisticated look is to opt for two-tone stripes. For instance, a light and dark grey striped tie matches perfectly with a suit in any shade of grey. The same applies to other colors.

The complicated part is when you want to match a striped tie with a different colored suit. In such cases, while picking the tie, try and make one of the colors of the stripes match the suit color. The rest of the colors usually look good even if one of the colors of the stripes matches well with the suit.

Also, keep in mind that thinner stripes make a tie look more elegant. Limit the thickness of the stripes to half a centimeter. And never pick a tie with only thick stripes; always opt for one with alternating thickness.

Avoid matching a striped tie with a striped shirt. However, if you know the trick to matching the right colors and the right patterns, you can come up with a perfectly charming ensemble. When matching, consider the thickness of the stripes. Choose the tie and shirt such that the stripes are in opposite thickness. So, if you are wearing a slimmer vertical striped shirt, opt for a tie with thicker stripes.

Also, consider the direction of the stripes. Diagonally striped ties will complement a vertically striped shirt. However, keep in mind that whichever pattern you use, one of the colors of the striped tie should be present on the shirt.

Looking for the finest in men’s neckwear? Visit TheDapperTie has an amazing range of ties in solids, stripes, checkered and silk for you to choose from. So what are you waiting for? Start adding to your wardrobe today.  

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